Monday, September 22, 2008


I was an alcoholic for 15 years. I used to be a social drinker until I began associating with a group of friends at my office. We would meet everyday after work, drink together and enjoy each other’s company. Gradually, I began drinking while on duty as well and got hooked onto it. Money ran out and we had to depend on my wife’s meager salary to support our family with two children. In desperation, she resorted to prayer and having been introduced to Pastor Robin Almeida’s prayer service, became a regular attendee. She invited me to go with her, but I flatly refused.
On one of the “dry days” (all liquor shops were closed on certain days by govt. regulation), I had nothing to do in the evening and felt an unexplainable urge to go to the prayer meeting. I did not know at the time that Pastor Robin had predicted this to my wife. Not knowing the exact location, I went down all the nearby roads in search of the place until I suddenly heard the sound of singing and clapping accompanied by some percussion instruments. I entered and sat just outside the doorway. At the end of the meeting Pastor Robin spoke to me about Jesus and I started going there everyday. After the first week I was totally delivered from alcohol. It is now three years that I am completely free. My life has changed, our economic situation has improved and there is peace and happiness in our family. Thank you Jesus!

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