Wednesday, September 17, 2008


At the age of 18 I began attending rave parties, invited by a friend. There I was introduced to hashish (drug) and enjoyed it. Then I went on to other heavier drugs and became an addict. I used to harass my parents for money and trouble them in other ways, causing them to get fed up of me and at times desperate.
They took me to Pastor Robin Almeida’s prayer service that did attract me, but I used to be very irregular and still continued with the drugs. One day Pastor called me for counselling, explained the Gospel to me and prayed with me. From the very next day I stopped the drugs, not even feeling the urge for it. However, I still continued to smoke cigarettes. I began to attend the prayer services regularly, learnt what it meant to completely surrender my life to Jesus and thus was delivered from smoking as well. Today, at the age of 22, I am fully committed to The Master’s Touch Healing Center and play the keyboard at all the services. Praise the Lord!

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