Friday, November 4, 2011


Suman Shinde
I am a Hindu, but I have been attending the Sunday services at The Master’s Touch Healing Center for several weeks. I came to know about Jesus and now believe that He is the one and only True God. As I was walking on the road a few days ago, a man on a motorcycle came close to me and snatched my gold chain. I immediately shouted out the Name of Jesus. The motorcycle went ahead and stopped. The man tried desperately to get it going, but it would not start. He got so scared, that he got off, came back and returned my gold chain! I now know how powerful the Name of Jesus is. Thank you Jesus for this miracle!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


On Sunday night, Pastor Robin had spoken a Word of Prophecy saying: “You will receive good news within 24 hours.” When I went to work on Monday morning, my boss asked me to come into his cabin. Then he told me how much the company appreciated the work I was doing and had therefore decided to give me a promotion! Praise the Lord!

My 6 year son Kunal used to suffer from fits almost every night. On several occasions, I had to rush him to the emergency department of a nearby hospital. After attending the services at The Master’s Touch Healing Center, I learnt a lot about Jesus, His love and the power in His Name. So the next time my son got an attack at night, I prayed for him in the Name of Jesus. It passed off quite soon and since then, my son has not been troubled by any more attacks. Praise the Lord.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

YOUR FATHER LOVES YOU! (Sunday 18th Sept. 2011)

When Pastor Robin Almeida preaches or teaches, he always speaks as an instrument of the Lord who speaks through him, as Jesus said of the Holy Spirit: “…He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak…(John chapter 16, verse 13)

The wonderful message that Pastor Robin received for us that day was, ”you are God’s child and He loves you!” It makes no difference if no one else loves you, looks at you, shakes your hand, etc., your Heavenly Father loves you! Ask the sun the reason why it shines and it will reply, “Your Father told me to shine for His children.” Ask the flowers in the garden why they bloom. They will answer, “Your Father told me to bloom for His children.” You can put the same question to the rain, to the vegetation and every good thing on this earth. God has commanded them to exist for one sole reason: For His children! Even if your spouse has left you, even if your child broke your heart, YOUR FATHER LOVES YOU!

God’s love never changes. It is pure and true. The King of Heaven and Earth is your daddy! He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Always thank Him for the air you breathe and the natural water you receive. People realize the value of pure air only when they have to receive oxygen into their lungs through a tube, for which they have to pay! We can’t trust the water polluted by some of God’s children and have to pay for pure water. So we should always thank God for the wonderful gifts of nature that He gives us and take care of them. God is your DADDY and loves you like no one else can. Halleluiah!

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Pastor Robin Almeida began the class by going through the signs that should characterize a well-run and fully equipped Church. Everyone agreed that ours was fully equipped and that it was so only because of Pastor Robin who was a genuine Man of God. Several members stood up to say what they had observed in him that characterized him to be so.

He then proceeded to give a teaching on spiritual blindness and spiritual vision. He said that very often our personal problems are actually due to spiritual blindness. God sees us struggling in the dark and sends His own chosen person to help and deliver His people. God anoints this person with spiritual insight, an ability to discern the grace of God deep within and call it forth.

We see an example of this in Acts chapter 3. A man, lame from birth, was carried and laid at the gate of the temple to beg. As Peter and John were entering, he asked for alms. But Peter looked into the man and saw in him, the grace to be completely healed. So fixing his eyes on him, with John, Peter said, “Look at us.” The man did. Peter then commanded him to be healed in the Name of Jesus. He took him by the right hand and lifted him up. He immediately received strength, leapt up and entered the temple with them, walking, leaping and praising God. People who have experienced mighty miracles in their lives don’t need to be taught how to praise and worship God. They do it spontaneously.

We also have many examples of Jesus Himself doing this for people. One example is from John chapter 5, verses1-9, where Jesus saw the man lying by the pool of Bethesda, who had been an invalid for 38 years! Jesus saw the grace within him and said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” The man did so, being instantly and completely healed. In the Old Testament, 1Kings, chapter 17: 8-16, we have the example of the Man of God, Elijah, being sent to the widow at Zarephath, who had just a handful of flour and a little oil left to bake bread for herself and her son. Elijah said to her, “…but make me a small cake from it first and bring it to me; and afterward make some for yourself and your son…The bin of flour shall not be used up, nor shall the jar of oil run dry until the Lord sends rain on the earth.” She did according to the word of Elijah and she and he and her household ate for many days. Pastor Robin also spoke about the Man of God Elisha (2 Kings, 4:8), who was sent to the Shunamite woman. When she recognized him as a Man of God, she and her husband provided him with a special room in their home with a bed, table, chair and lamp. Because of this, God worked mighty miracles in her life through Elisha.

Pastor Robin, the Man of God who has been given to us, has been blessed with the gift to see the grace in us and call it forth. But when he gives us certain commands, we need to put our faith in his word and do what is required on our part. Then the grace that he has seen within us will come forth and we will receive our blessing. Praise the Lord!

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Sunday’s Blessing Festival at Sharan, Chandivli, saw a hall of overflowing crowds, with a whole lot of new comers. Many of them came from far off places in Mumbai, having watched the T.V. programs of “Pyare Masiha.” The cell groups in various parts of Mumbai are growing very fast and one can see how Jesus is calling and touching unbelievers, people of other faiths, and revealing Himself to them. The service yesterday was extraordinarily powerful. A heavy anointing of the Holy Spirit came upon Pastor Robin Almeida who said he could feel it in his entire body and all around him. After the prayer for healing and deliverance, a whole lot of new comers, all of them unbelievers, came on the stage to testify that physical and also emotional problems of months and even years, had been completely healed that day and all of them proclaimed that it was Jesus who had healed them. Our Almighty Lord and God showed His powerful presence by throwing all of them to the floor as Pastor Robin simply raised his hand in blessing before each one of them. They themselves were stunned and amazed, as several of them shared with our Church members after the meeting. As some of them fell, they screamed and manifested the presence of evil spirits. Pastor Robin delivered them by commanding them out in the Name of Jesus.

Pastor Robin preached on Genesis chapter 2, verses 18-25. It was truly a “breaking of the bread of the Word” that had a powerful message for both women and men, single as well as married. Pastor Robin spoke in detail about the family situation, the particular role, characteristics and needs of each one, especially the men, who he pointed out are Satan’s primary target. Satan knows that if he can kill off the men, it would not be difficult to attack the women. Little boys always need to see a role model in their fathers, as little girls need to see that in their mothers. When little boys don’t have a father in whom they can see their own future, they grow up unstable and fall into harmful habits and vices. Pastor said that women in a household should take special care in listening to the silent cries in a man’s heart, because men don’t usually express their pain and burdens aloud. This is because as little boys they are taught that only girls are allowed to cry, while the manly thing is to keep silent. So their unexpressed pain and burdens build up within themselves and appear as major and fatal health problems or sudden heart attacks. But God our Father, through His Son Jesus, does not abandon anyone who cries out to Him. There is hope for everyone, whatever be the situation. Pastor emphasized that Jesus hears whoever calls out to Him and said that this in fact was the theme for today.

Pastor Robin also spoke at length on the true meaning of love as giving and sacrificial, rather than demanding. He held up, as our supreme model, God our Father, who sacrificed His own Son because of His love for each one of us. He used real-life stories to illustrate each of the points he made, adding to this serious topic his gift of natural humor. The entire congregation was held in rapt attention for over an hour and a half! Praise The Lord!

Monday, July 25, 2011


Yesterday’s Sunday Service, 24th July 2011, the theme being ABUNDANT BLESSINGS, saw a record number of people who attended. Every chair in the hall was occupied, stools had to be brought in and several regular church members had to stand. Most of the new comers had seen Pastor Robin on one or more of the daily programs “Pyare Masiha”, telecast on Campus Channel twice a day at 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. They came from distant places in Mumbai to experience for themselves what they had seen on T.V. None of them were disappointed. The Lord Jesus honored their faith and there were miraculous healings and deliverances. When Pastor Robin called for testimonies, there was such a long queue of those who had come for the first time, that the meeting yesterday took an extra long time to conclude. There was no time for testimonies of others who had been attending earlier and had also received marvelous healings and blessings. Everyone who came yesterday, mostly belonging to non-Christian faiths, including some Muslims, all acknowledged that JESUS was the ONE TRUE GOD and that they had been blessed in His Mighty Name. Halleluia! Pastor Robin explained to them the meaning of the word “Halleluia” and they were soon repeating it.

Pastor Robin preached on Ezekiel 37: 1-14, on the topic of the dry bones that God called the prophet Ezekiel to prophecy to and how these dead dry bones became an army of living people. The passage starts by saying that the Lords hand came upon Ezekiel. Pastor noted that the Lord's hand was on each one of us present there and asked us to repeat that. Just as God sent his prophet Ezekiel to the dry bones, many of us present there were dead in our spirits and God had brought His prophet Pastor Robin to speak life into us. He then spoke on the importance of bones in the body as the main structural support. Going back to the creation of Adam and Eve, Pastor Robin described how, unlike the rest of creation, God had STOOPED down to lovingly take up mud from the earth and to form it into a man. In the case of Eve, God took a rib (bone) from Adam and shaped it into a woman. So woman is the structural support of the family and when a man foolishly destroys that support with his own hands, he causes the downfall of the entire family, including himself! Therefore, a husband’s first duty is to encourage and protect this main support. Why did God take Adam from the earth? Because seeds are always planted in the earth and so the entire human race actually GREW out of Adam. One can say that Adam came first and “gave birth to Eve!”

The Lord came upon Pastor Robin and caused him to prophecy to the whole assembly. He made many prophecies about healings and blessings that Jesus was pouring out on us at that very moment. Healing did not only refer to the body. Healing is necessary for the whole of us: body, mind and spirit. The testimonies at the end were a proof that Jesus had truly spoken through Pastor Robin and had poured out His Love on us. Praise The Lord!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Mark chapter 1, verses10-13
The Gospel of Luke records the event of Jesus at the age of 12, being lost and found by Mary and Joseph in the temple at Jerusalem, sitting among the Teachers who were astounded at his wisdom. After that, nothing is recorded about Jesus until the age of 30, when the Gospels record how John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the river Jordan. When Jesus came up from the water, he saw the heavens parting and the Holy Spirit descending upon him in a beautiful, majestic way, as gently as a dove. Then Jesus heard His Father’s voice come from heaven saying, “You are My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” This event was a wonderful revelation to us of the interaction between the three Divine Persons. Pastor said that after our own baptism, we too should hear the Father say these same words to us. After baptism we are protected by Him and He will say to Satan, to every sickness, to every curse, to every evil that tries to attack us “Keep away, this is MY child!”

Jesus’ earthly ministry began on this very ecstatic note. Then verse 12 tells us that immediately, that same, gentle Holy Spirit, led Jesus into the wilderness for forty days where He fasted, was among the wild beasts and was tempted by Satan. Jesus’ wonderful baptism experience was immediately followed by a period of testing! Pastor then took us back to our own situation where we may have experienced an initial euphoria soon after our water baptism. But not long after that, we have all gone through times of severe testing. Many of us may still be in that period. We may find ourselves among the “wild beasts” of today’s world in the form of people around us who are ready to pounce on us and tear us apart. We may experience this in the society in which we live, in our work place or even in our own families. The “wild beasts” may also come in the form of evil thoughts and tendencies that we have to fight against.

Jesus Himself overcame the testing period triumphantly by the Power of The Holy Spirit (Christ) in Him and the “Word of Scripture” that He was familiar with. We too are provided with these same weapons. So we see how necessary it is to equip ourselves with The Word of God. If it is already within us, it will come to our assistance at the right time and enable us to overcome every attack of Satan. Jesus did not turn stones into bread and never did that at any time of His ministry. Pastor said that he too would never try to do that, taking stones figuratively as referring to people or other obstacles in our lives. We may be holding onto them trying to change them instead of moving them out of our lives. Jesus always moved stones out of the way, as He did at Lazarus’ tomb. Many of us may be still in the wilderness, going through our period of testing. All of us may be at different stages of growth in our lives and before every major step ahead, there will always be a period of testing as in any system of education. At a really high level at which Pastor is, the testing will be far more severe than for some of us who may still be at a primary level in the spiritual life.

Before Pastor could appear on stage for the Bible teaching, the Lord had given him a “Word of Prophecy” that said, “Your time of testing is over!” When Jesus’ time of testing in the wilderness was over, verse 13 ends with “and the angels ministered to Him.” When our time of testing is over, God will send blessings and deliverance upon us through His angels. At that moment, Pastor said he could see the hall full of angels! While everyone closed their eyes and raised their hands toward heaven, Pastor prayed and began to sing a new song: On the Wings of Angels, deliverance is coming to you!” Many began to weep and cry loudly, many got slain in the Spirit, many were delivered from evil spirits and some began to laugh uncontrollably with joy. Praise the Lord!