Thursday, January 7, 2010


Pastor Robin Almeida is back from a very fruitful outreach at Gujarat. The people of Gujarat eagerly received the Good News through Pastor’s anointed preaching, were healed of many sicknesses and many were delivered. On the morning of the 1st of January 2010, he ministered to a group of 3500 people at Songard. That same evening, he ministered to a group of 3000 people at Gamlagaon. On the 2nd morning, 1800 people received the Word and were blessed with healing and deliverance at the site of the Narmada Dam.

As the state of Gujarat has a history of violent reactions toward the preaching of the Good News and many preachers have been killed, we praise and thank the living Lord Jesus and our Father God, that no anti social elements were able to disrupt any of the services. We pray that the seed sown will penetrate deep into the hearts of those who attended and that they in turn will be powerfully used by the Lord to spread the message throughout Gujarat.