Sunday’s Blessing Festival at Sharan, Chandivli, saw a hall of overflowing crowds, with a whole lot of new comers. Many of them came from far off places in Mumbai, having watched the T.V. programs of “Pyare Masiha.” The cell groups in various parts of Mumbai are growing very fast and one can see how Jesus is calling and touching unbelievers, people of other faiths, and revealing Himself to them. The service yesterday was extraordinarily powerful. A heavy anointing of the Holy Spirit came upon Pastor Robin Almeida who said he could feel it in his entire body and all around him. After the prayer for healing and deliverance, a whole lot of new comers, all of them unbelievers, came on the stage to testify that physical and also emotional problems of months and even years, had been completely healed that day and all of them proclaimed that it was Jesus who had healed them. Our Almighty Lord and God showed His powerful presence by throwing all of them to the floor as Pastor Robin simply raised his hand in blessing before each one of them. They themselves were stunned and amazed, as several of them shared with our Church members after the meeting. As some of them fell, they screamed and manifested the presence of evil spirits. Pastor Robin delivered them by commanding them out in the Name of Jesus.
Pastor Robin preached on Genesis chapter 2, verses 18-25. It was truly a “breaking of the bread of the Word” that had a powerful message for both women and men, single as well as married. Pastor Robin spoke in detail about the family situation, the particular role, characteristics and needs of each one, especially the men, who he pointed out are Satan’s primary target. Satan knows that if he can kill off the men, it would not be difficult to attack the women. Little boys always need to see a role model in their fathers, as little girls need to see that in their mothers. When little boys don’t have a father in whom they can see their own future, they grow up unstable and fall into harmful habits and vices. Pastor said that women in a household should take special care in listening to the silent cries in a man’s heart, because men don’t usually express their pain and burdens aloud. This is because as little boys they are taught that only girls are allowed to cry, while the manly thing is to keep silent. So their unexpressed pain and burdens build up within themselves and appear as major and fatal health problems or sudden heart attacks. But God our Father, through His Son Jesus, does not abandon anyone who cries out to Him. There is hope for everyone, whatever be the situation. Pastor emphasized that Jesus hears whoever calls out to Him and said that this in fact was the theme for today.
Pastor Robin also spoke at length on the true meaning of love as giving and sacrificial, rather than demanding. He held up, as our supreme model, God our Father, who sacrificed His own Son because of His love for each one of us. He used real-life stories to illustrate each of the points he made, adding to this serious topic his gift of natural humor. The entire congregation was held in rapt attention for over an hour and a half! Praise The Lord!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
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