Monday, July 25, 2011


Yesterday’s Sunday Service, 24th July 2011, the theme being ABUNDANT BLESSINGS, saw a record number of people who attended. Every chair in the hall was occupied, stools had to be brought in and several regular church members had to stand. Most of the new comers had seen Pastor Robin on one or more of the daily programs “Pyare Masiha”, telecast on Campus Channel twice a day at 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. They came from distant places in Mumbai to experience for themselves what they had seen on T.V. None of them were disappointed. The Lord Jesus honored their faith and there were miraculous healings and deliverances. When Pastor Robin called for testimonies, there was such a long queue of those who had come for the first time, that the meeting yesterday took an extra long time to conclude. There was no time for testimonies of others who had been attending earlier and had also received marvelous healings and blessings. Everyone who came yesterday, mostly belonging to non-Christian faiths, including some Muslims, all acknowledged that JESUS was the ONE TRUE GOD and that they had been blessed in His Mighty Name. Halleluia! Pastor Robin explained to them the meaning of the word “Halleluia” and they were soon repeating it.

Pastor Robin preached on Ezekiel 37: 1-14, on the topic of the dry bones that God called the prophet Ezekiel to prophecy to and how these dead dry bones became an army of living people. The passage starts by saying that the Lords hand came upon Ezekiel. Pastor noted that the Lord's hand was on each one of us present there and asked us to repeat that. Just as God sent his prophet Ezekiel to the dry bones, many of us present there were dead in our spirits and God had brought His prophet Pastor Robin to speak life into us. He then spoke on the importance of bones in the body as the main structural support. Going back to the creation of Adam and Eve, Pastor Robin described how, unlike the rest of creation, God had STOOPED down to lovingly take up mud from the earth and to form it into a man. In the case of Eve, God took a rib (bone) from Adam and shaped it into a woman. So woman is the structural support of the family and when a man foolishly destroys that support with his own hands, he causes the downfall of the entire family, including himself! Therefore, a husband’s first duty is to encourage and protect this main support. Why did God take Adam from the earth? Because seeds are always planted in the earth and so the entire human race actually GREW out of Adam. One can say that Adam came first and “gave birth to Eve!”

The Lord came upon Pastor Robin and caused him to prophecy to the whole assembly. He made many prophecies about healings and blessings that Jesus was pouring out on us at that very moment. Healing did not only refer to the body. Healing is necessary for the whole of us: body, mind and spirit. The testimonies at the end were a proof that Jesus had truly spoken through Pastor Robin and had poured out His Love on us. Praise The Lord!

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