Saturday, June 25, 2011


Pastor Robin spoke on mark chapter 11, verse 1 onwards. Jesus sent two of His disciples to bring a colt to him to ride on. This was a fulfillment of the prophecy made in Zechariah 9:9, “Behold your King is coming to you…riding on a donkey, a colt, the foal of a donkey.” Pastor Robin noted that Jesus was not merely fulfilling a prophecy that he knew about. If He had been doing just that, He would have sent them to bring any donkey they found. But Jesus, in His Divine Spirit had seen a particular colt that He was targeting and gave His disciples precise instructions about where they would find it and described it to them to ensure there would be no mistake. Jesus directed them to untie it and reply to anyone who questioned them, that He needed it.

With his Divinely gifted deep insight, Pastor Robin made a comparison of how Jesus, from whom nothing can be hidden, had seen you, unable to get out of your bad situation, perhaps rejected by everyone, bound by chains of helplessness and feelings of uselessness. So Jesus sends His own person to you, to release you from those chains and to bring you to Him because He needs you. Even if no one else finds you to be of any worth, Jesus has decided to use you for Himself and His service! There’s always a precise time for everything, even for your release. So you need to wait with hope and trust, knowing that God has already sent the right person to free you at the right time. When Jesus sat on His chosen colt who no one had used before, the people laid their garments on the road He was traveling and waved leafy branches as they went in procession with Him, proclaiming Him King. This was usually done as a sign of victory when a king returned after winning a battle. Here they were doing it in advance. So whenever we pray for something, we should thank and praise God for the victory that is already ours because He has already won the battle for us!

In a previous teaching, Pastor Robin had noted that Jesus does not call the qualified, but qualifies the called. How does He qualify us for service? Before He distributed the bread at the last supper with His disciples, He broke it. Jesus can only use “broken people” through whom He can release His love and power to free others. Every successful and well-known preacher, prophets of God sent in the Mighty Name of Jesus, have all gone through severe breaking and remolding to be powerful instruments for His service. Anyone who desires to be used as a powerful instrument in God’s hands must go through this breaking.

Pastor Robin then prayed for everyone to be released from various bondages and while commissioning us to go out and give the Good News to others, prayed that the Holy Spirit might work through us with His gifts of healing and deliverance. He asked everyone to write down at least five names of people whom we could reach out to before Sunday. As we placed our hands on the names, Pastor Robin prayed for them and said that if we do this every week, we’ll be reaching out and freeing people from Satan’s power very quickly. Praise the Lord!

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