Monday, June 27, 2011


Last Sunday was a special service emphasizing the NEW LIFE in JESUS. The hall was packed to maximum capacity, with many people attending for the first time. The service began with praise and worship. People were encouraged to believe that none of them were there by accident, but that Jesus had called each one by name and made it possible for them to attend. They were also encouraged to have faith that Jesus wanted to bless them in various ways and to heal all their sicknesses. When Pastor Robin came on stage, he welcomed everyone with similar words of encouragement in his own powerfully anointed style. He began with praying and asking the Lord for special blessings on each one present there, for deliverance and release from all sickness.

He then proceeded to preach on the Gospel of John chapter 11, verses 1-44, regarding the death and raising to life of his dear friend Lazarus, brother of Martha and Mary. Although this family was very close to Jesus, they were not spared the problems that try our faith! Everyone has to face such problems in life. Pastor noted how Satan always tries to kill the men first, knowing that if he succeeds in eliminating the head or future head of a family, he can easily destroy the other members. Pastor invited everyone to observe this phenomenon in society. Who are the people most prone to alcohol, drugs, tobacco and other harmful habits? Apart from a minority of women, it’s mostly the men. Who are the people in a family first attacked by fatal illnesses? It’s mostly the men. However, there is ONE NAME that can cancel all Satan’s evil plans and that name is JESUS!

Pastor also brought out the point of how Jesus went to Lazarus’ tomb four days after he had been buried and asked the people there to remove the stone closing the entrance. Martha warned Jesus about the stench that would be emitted by such an action. Jesus did not care. He is willing to come to us wherever we may be, however repulsive be a situation that we may be in. Only He can take us out of it, as He called Lazarus out of the grave after being buried four days! When Lazarus came out, he still had the bands of cloth with which dead bodies are wrapped. Jesus commanded the men there to unbind him. When Jesus calls us out of our bad situation/s, He will also release us from bondages that have held us captive and set us completely free!

Pastor then prayed for everyone to be freed from various bondages and illnesses that he named. He made many prophecies, especially about broken relationships being healed. He ended the service by praying for relationships in families to be healed and cemented, especially families who were present that evening. He asked them to come together, to hold hands and finally to embrace each other. At the end of the prayer, there was a long queue of people who went up and gave amazing testimonies of how God had touched their lives that evening and healed them. These testimonies will be telecast in various parts of India on Campus Channel (daily program at 7 a.m. and 9 p.m.), on New Hope television and N.M. T.V. Praise the Lord!

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