Thursday, October 2, 2008


My heart is restless! It’s in search of you.
The distance seems great, the way so new.
But I’ll find the way to reach your heart,
Towards you, O Lord, my journey I start.

Show me the way to reach your palace,
I want to live without sin and malice.
A vision of you I long to see,
Hear my prayer and answer me!

My lips aren’t worthy to call upon your Name,
But I know that with you, I’ll never be the same.
You are so holy! And yet, not far,
I call upon you and there you are!

I’ll walk with you Lord, till the day I die,
Till the moment I bid this world good-bye.
Your presence means everything to me,
With you I’ll walk joyfully into eternity!

By Pastor Robin Almeida

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