At last Sunday’s service, Pastor Robin preached on the topic of forgiveness. He related the story of Maria Goretti who was stabbed 14 times by her neighbor Alexandro because she resisted his attempts to rape her. As she was dying, she heroically forgave him his sin. Pastor Robin also narrated the more recent case in India, when Gladys Staines who, in the Name of Jesus, forgave the murderers of her missionary husband Pastor Graham and her two small sons who were burnt to death.
Jesus taught us to forgive those who hurt us, as we expect God our Father to forgive us our own sins. There are many illnesses that attack us and persist, in spite of medication. Unforgiveness in our hearts creates poisonous fluids in our bodies that cause it to malfunction. Even before praying for healing, it is necessary to prepare the body by removing the blocks of unforgiveness. There are many known cases of people whose illnesses, aches and pains got healed the moment they forgave someone who had deeply hurt them.
Unforgiveness is also a sin against God. If we should die in such a state, we can never enter the presence of God and will have to spend an eternity of suffering in Hell.
At the end of the preaching, Pastor Robin asked if people would like to come forward and publicly forgive someone who had hurt them. Almost everyone in the congregation came forward. Some people gave instant testimonies of experiencing heavy burdens being lifted and pains disappearing. Pastor Robin said that he expects many more such testimonies at the next service. Praise the Lord!
A Report by Dagmar Lopes