Friday, July 31, 2009



She came to the Sunday service with her grown-up retarded son, saying that she had come with great faith, hoping to obtain a miracle of healing for him. She came on 3 Sundays, always going with him close to the stage whenever Pastor Robin would ask people to come forward before beginning the special prayer. On the 3rd Sunday, when after the prayer, Pastor Robin asked people who had been specially touched by Jesus to come forward and testify, Mrs Kamble went up onto the stage. She had felt a great sense of peace come over her. She then tearfully narrated her sad story of the misery she had experienced for almost the whole of her married life. Her husband, not being able to bear the situation had committed suicide by hanging himself. Sometime later, her 18-year old daughter did the same. She herself had often felt like giving up on life. She then closed her eyes and raised her hands in faith as Pastor prayed for a special blessing on her. With that she fell to the floor as it happens to many people when they experience the mighty power of God on them.

Mrs Kamble however, began shrieking and rolling restlessly as if in great pain. Pastor Robin immediately recognized that this was a manifestation of an evil spirit within her that became violently disturbed by the presence of Jesus. He therefore proceeded to cast out the demon that manifested itself as an evil spirit of suicide, the same demon that had taken the lives of her husband and daughter. When it left, Mrs. Kamble lay on the floor, still and peaceful. When she was helped up, she looked dazed, but relieved and joyful. She had no idea of what had happened to her but praised Jesus and profusely thanked Pastor Robin for the relief she felt. Praise the Lord!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


At last Sundsay's service Pastor spoke on the passage from ACTS chapter 28, verses 1-10. The passage speaks about Paul, who after being shipwrecked along with 276 othrs, landed on the island of Malta. The natives welcomed them with unusual kindness and because of the rain and cold, kindled a fire to keep them warm. Paul helped out by gathering a bundle of sticks and laying it on the fire. However, the heat caused a viper to come out from the bundle and fasten itself on Pauls hand. The superstitious natives immediately concluded that Paul must be a murderer. But Paul shook the creature off his hand into the blazing fire. The natives still expected Paul's body to swell or immediately drop dead. When neither happened, they changed their minds and said he was a god!
After this, a leading citizen Publius, welcomed Paul and his companion to his house where they stayed for 3 days during which Jesus did mighty miracles through Paul. Publius' father was the first to be healed of a severe illness, after which the sick from the rest of the island came and were delivered and healed. When Paul departed, he and his companion were honored in many ways and the islanders provided them with all their requirements.
Pastor Robin made many inspired comparisons with Paul's experience and the shortsighted way most human minds, even today function. People easily jump to conclusions, being easily swayed by rumors and also indulging in rumor mongering. Thus, false allegations and baseless judgements are spread about innocent people. He noted that just as the viper did not come from outide but from within the sticks that Paul himself had gathered, the enemies who attack us often arise from the midst of people who appear to be our close, trusted friends. Just as the heat of the fire caused the viper to reveal itself, certain "hot situations" reveal people for what they really are: true faithful friends or enemies who seek to harm us. As the viper could not harm Paul, a chosen Man of God, but itself was thrown into the fire and burnt to death, if we are faithful in obeying Him, the Name above all names, JESUS, no one will be able to harm or hinder us from God's plan for our lives. Those who try will not only be unsuccessful, but will themselves be destroyed. After this episode in which the viper was destroyed, Paul rose to a highly honored position among the people and Jesus worked mighty miracles for them through him.
Pastor Robin then proceeded to demonstrate practically that what Jesus did for Paul at Malta, he does for his servants even today. Pastor Robin's preaching was followed by an unusual number of people being delivered from evil spirits and mighty miracles of emotional and physical healing. Those who are his close associates rejoiced all the more at what they witnessed on Sunday, because they were aware of vicious attacks that had come against him. No one can try harming a genuine man of God and expect to survive unharmed. Praise the Lord!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Mr. Namdeo Shirsat, who was delivered from a vicious serpent demon and has now, with his family, become a regular attendee at the services at Powai, has been spreading the Good News around his area. As a result, many more people from there and also from other places, have been coming to the services. The news that Jesus is truly alive and is healing, delivering and bringing peace to people at these services, is spreading fast. At last Sunday’s service, there were a record number of new attendees, several of whom, even at the very first visit, were healed and delivered from demonic spirits. No sooner does Pastor Robin Almeida begin raising his voice in praise and worship, than demonic shouts and screams are heard among the crowd. Evil spirits, who have been troubling some of the people for long periods like 5 & 6 years, causing great disturbance and even illnesses in their families, immediately get restless and can’t remain still. They throw their victims to the ground and cause them to scream, shout, roll and wreathe in great discomfort.
Pastor Robin, with the mighty power of the Holy Spirit, spends time with each one individually, commanding the demon to leave in the Name of JESUS and by His precious BLOOD. The demons cannot stand the mention of “the Blood of Jesus.” They immediately become still when Pastor Robin puts his fingers on the person’s forehead commanding the demon. It sometimes takes time to leave, talking back arrogantly and refusing to go. But it is eventually compelled to leave and one can see the vast difference in the faces of these now liberated people. They are always filled with grateful thanks to Jesus and his faithful instrument Pastor Robin, an authentic Man of God.
It looks as if JESUS allows the demons to take time to leave and talk back so that observers like us will be convinced of the fact that evil spirits do exist and enter the bodies of human beings, causing distress of various kinds that are often unrecognizable for what they really are. It also helps us to understand the vicious character of these demons and that they are of various kinds. We have observed spirits of suicide, sicknesses, addictions and many others.
These scenes also convince us of what salvation really means, as we read in the book of Isaiah, chapter 61. Jesus quoted it, as we read in the Gospel of Luke chapter 4, verses 18 to 21, proclaiming how the passage in Isaiah was a prophecy about himself. When we observe Pastor Robin, with great power and authority, commanding sicknesses and demonic spirits to leave, it also convinces us of the truth and reality of verses 15 to 18, in chapter 16 of the Gospel of Mark. We praise and thank God for choosing and anointing men like Pastor Robin and for establishing, through him, The Master’s Touch Healing Center that is meant to move swiftly throughout the world, before the Lord comes again as Judge!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


The services that Pastor Robin Almeida conducted in Israel were filmed and brought out as a DVD for the benefit of the entire English-speaking world. It was released last Sunday at the Service held at the IES School hall, Powai, India.
When you watch this DVD, entitled “ROBIN ALMEIDA IN ISRAEL” with the intention of actually participating in the services, you can experience the power of God come down on you exactly as you see it happening to the people at the service in Israel. You see amazing deliverance and healing taking place as JESUS moves among His people. Amazing things could happen to you too as you prayerfully watch and participate.
Pastor Robin has given some powerful, eye-opening, spirit-filled teachings. In our spiritual lives, the Lord generally takes us one step at a time, gradually moving us to higher levels. When we respond to one step, He takes us to the next. Pastor Robin’s inspired teachings are so deep and so far reaching, that it will surely require several viewings, reflection and prayer for you to get to where the Lord wants to take you. As Pastor Robin always says, the Lord has great plans for you and wants to take you very high in His Kingdom. The whole world is searching for peace and freedom, not really knowing where to find it. This DVD will help you to find true peace, freedom and health and to fulfill your mission of bringing it to today’s world. It is therefore available for purchase at a very nominal rate; although it’s real value is priceless! Praise the Lord!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


He came to one of the Sunday services at Powai with his young wife and 2 small children and sat somewhere toward the middle of the hall. As Pastor Robin ascended the stage and began praying aloud in the name of JESUS, we saw Mr. Shirsat stand up and shout in a loud gruff voice, “I will not go!” Pastor immediately recognized that it was not Mr. Shirsat who spoke, but the spirit that had possessed him and addressed it directly saying, “So you recognized my voice!?” With that, Mr. Shirsat left his place, walked toward the stage and prostrated himself before Pastor Robin. Pastor continued the prayer and after a while Mr. Shirsat got up from the floor and walked back to his seat.
The following Sunday he came again with his family and this time they sat toward the end of the hall. Many people were healed that day and came up on stage to testify. While this was going on, we saw Mr. Shirsat rock his chair back and forth dangerously until he fell to the floor backwards and then began to wriggle forwards on the floor like a snake. It was a serpent spirit that caused him to do that, pushing aside chairs that came in his way, creating quite a commotion in the congregation. Pastor asked the people to remain calm and to focus their attention on the mighty works of Jesus that people were testifying to. After the testimonies were over, as Pastor Robin explained to us later, the Lord spoke to him and told him to go down and deal with that evil spirit that was troubling Mr. Shirsat. Obeying this command of Jesus, Pastor came up to the man and with the power of The Holy Spirit, took hold of his head and pinned him down. He then proceeded to command the evil spirit to leave the man. The stubborn spirit said that it had possessed him for a very long time, had grown very fond of this very nice man and had no intention of leaving him! It boastfully spoke of its power and strength and went on with this arrogant talk until Pastor spoke “The Blood of Jesus” on it. The evil spirit was immediately silenced. After this, when Pastor commanded it, in the Name and in the Blood of Jesus to leave the man, in a mild voice it said, “I will go.” Pastor commanded it to say this on the mike for the public to hear. It meekly obeyed and then we saw the man suddenly jerk as the spirit left him. Namdeo Shirsat was set completely free! Pastor took him up on the stage and questioned him about his experience. He knew nothing of all that had happened to him but was visibly a different man. His wife said that he was possessed with this spirit for a long time and that they had taken him to many places for relief, but to no avail. The entire family rejoiced and praised Jesus for this mighty deliverance. They were very grateful to Pastor who hugged the man and said that the only true thing the spirit had said was that Namdeo was “a very nice man.” Praise the Lord!