At last Sunday’s service, Pastor Robin preached on the Gospel passage from Luke 5: 21-43. The passage begins with: “Now when Jesus had crossed over again by boat to the other side, a great multitude gathered to him, and he was by the sea. And behold, one of the rulers of the synagogue came, Jairus by name. And when he saw him, he fell at his feet.” Considering that the Jewish Authority were against Jesus because they felt that he was destroying some of their inherited beliefs, it is strange that a ruler of the synagogue should come and fall at Jesus’ feet. Verse 23 tells us why he did this. His little daughter was at the point of death and he wanted Jesus to go to his house and lay his hands on her to heal her. When people are in deep trouble and suffering, the search for a solution often reaches beyond the boundaries and barriers built by small minded and short sighted human thinking. That’s what happened in the case of Jairus. Faced by his daughter’s imminent death, all his prejudices and fear of what his colleagues might think were thrown to the wind. Jesus was touched by his faith and was about to leave with him immediately, when he suddenly became aware that someone had quietly touched him in faith and had received a healing. Jesus turned around and asked who it was who had touched him. It was a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years. According to the tradition of that time, a woman in this condition was considered to be unclean and not permitted to appear in public. But she, in her suffering and feeble state, had dared to break the tradition, pushed her way through the crowd and without being noticed, quietly touched the hem of Jesus’ garment, believing that she would be healed. And it happened for her! She literally stole her healing. Jesus felt the healing power go out through his body. When God anoints certain people to be his ministers for healing in today’s world, at the required time he fills them with the power of his Holy Spirit and they too can feel the power of Jesus go out through their bodies to touch people and heal them. Pastor Robin explained and elaborated on this phenomenon through his own experiences of healing at public gatherings.
At the time of Jesus, the small-minded, prejudiced Jewish Authority sort to kill Jesus even though millions of people were being healed, delivered from evil spirits and finding peace and joy. The very same thing is happening today, when small-minded prejudiced people are attacking and killing those through whom Jesus’ saving presence in today’s world is being experienced by millions.
While Jesus spent time listening to the woman who came forward in fear and trembling and confessed to him that she had touched his garment, Jairus received the news that his daughter had passed away. When Jesus heard this, he said to the ruler of the synagogue, “Do not be afraid, only believe.” Then Jesus went with him, permitting no one else to follow except his disciples, Peter, James and John. At the house, Jesus went into the room where the girl lay, putting out all the weeping and disbelieving people and allowing inside only the girl’s father and mother and his 3 disciples. Verse 41 says, “Then he took the child by the hand, and said to her, ‘Talitha, cumi,’ which is translated, “Little girl, I say to you arise.” To everyone’s amazement, the 12-year old child immediately arose and walked.
Jesus says these same words to each one of us, “Do not be afraid, only believe.” If our miracle seems to be delayed it does not mean that it has been denied. In the case of Jairus, Jesus waited till the little girl died, letting him witness the mighty miracle of his dead daughter being brought back to life. As Jesus put all the disbelieving people out of the room before he brought the dead girl back to life, we need to put out of ourselves our own disbelieving thoughts as well as the worldly, short-sighted views of people who knowingly or unknowingly hinder us from following that inner voice that calls us to true peace, joy and abundant life. It takes courage to follow that calling, the price may be high, but the rewards are unimaginable! Praise the Lord!
There are many people today who are bleeding from secret places, which means suffering from problems or facing difficulties that they are unable to disclose. Jesus knows it all and understands us as no one else can. He is alive today, right with you even though invisible, All you need to do is to reach out in faith and touch him and see his mighty miracles happen in your life!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
When my second son Adarsh was 7 months old, I suffered from excessive bleeding for nine months. On being medically examined, I was diagnosed as having cancer of the uterus. A course of treatment was prescribed for me, which my husband and I found to be beyond our means and we were almost in despair. My husband Shivjor used to attend the prayer services conducted by Pastor Robin Almeida at The Master’s Touch Healing Center, regularly. Although he had invited me to it several times, I had always refused to go with him as I felt that I did not have any faith in Jesus. When I found myself in this difficult plight, I agreed to go with my husband to the next meeting. At that meeting, I could not understand anything and even experienced a sense of fear. But when I reached home I found that the bleeding had stopped completely. I went back to the doctor only 3 months later and he was surprised to see me looking so well, but insisted that I go again for a checkup, which I did. The report showed that there were no traces of the cancer at all! Thank you Jesus! I now attend the Prayer Services regularly with my husband and two sons.
When my second son Adarsh was 7 months old, I suffered from excessive bleeding for nine months. On being medically examined, I was diagnosed as having cancer of the uterus. A course of treatment was prescribed for me, which my husband and I found to be beyond our means and we were almost in despair. My husband Shivjor used to attend the prayer services conducted by Pastor Robin Almeida at The Master’s Touch Healing Center, regularly. Although he had invited me to it several times, I had always refused to go with him as I felt that I did not have any faith in Jesus. When I found myself in this difficult plight, I agreed to go with my husband to the next meeting. At that meeting, I could not understand anything and even experienced a sense of fear. But when I reached home I found that the bleeding had stopped completely. I went back to the doctor only 3 months later and he was surprised to see me looking so well, but insisted that I go again for a checkup, which I did. The report showed that there were no traces of the cancer at all! Thank you Jesus! I now attend the Prayer Services regularly with my husband and two sons.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Last Wednesday, Pastor Robin preached on the miracle described in the gospel of John, chapter 2, verses 1-11, where Jesus changed water into wine at the wedding feast of Cana. In verses 5-10 we read:
His mother said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.” Now there were set there six water pots of stone… Jesus said to them, “Fill the water pots with water.” And they filled them up to the brim. And He said to them, “Draw some out now, and take it to the master of the feast.” And they took it. When the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and did not know where it came from… the master of the feast called the bridegroom. And he said to him, “Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then that which is inferior, but you have kept the good wine until now.”
Pastor Robin made it clear, first of all, that Jesus did not produce an intoxicating alcoholic drink as we think of wine today, but changed the water into pure grape juice of a superior quality. He then stressed on the importance of Jesus’ mother’s advice to the servants, “whatever He says to you, do it.” In our lives too, if we want to see miracles happen, we must do whatever Jesus tells us to do as He speaks to us today in various ways: Through the words of the Bible and through the counsel of His Holy Spirit. Psalm 32:8 says, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go, I will guide you with my eye upon you (guide you and watch over you).”
Jesus need not have asked the servants to fill the water pots. He could have simply filled the empty jars with wine, just by a word. When Jesus works miracles in our lives, He always does it in partnership with us. There is always something that we have to do that is our part and then Jesus does His part. It is true that nothing is impossible for God. But in our case we need to say that nothing is impossible with God, because He wants a partnership with us. God seeks a love relationship with us. Our relationship with Him has to be a commitment and cannot be based on mere feeling. The time we give to Him in personal prayer has to be a daily commitment. Pastor Robin compared this to a marriage relationship that has to be based on commitment. If it is based only on feeling, it is bound to break up, as feelings may fade away with changing times and circumstances. So coming back to our partnership with Jesus, it is clear that there is some part that God wants us to do. If we ask God for a good job, we need to look out for it or send our bio-data to various places. If we pray for good health, we also need to eat the right foods, exercise our bodies and get the right amount of rest. When we do our part, we can count on God to do His part and work the miracle that we are seeking. At times we may find that the miracle we seek is not happening. Perhaps God may be waiting for us to take that courageous step towards Him that we may be hesitating to take, finding it very costly in many ways.
Pastor Robin observed that most of us present there were Jesus’ recent miracles of converted hearts, come into the kingdom of God at these end times. He compared it to the best wine that was served last at the wedding of Cana. Praise the Lord!
His mother said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.” Now there were set there six water pots of stone… Jesus said to them, “Fill the water pots with water.” And they filled them up to the brim. And He said to them, “Draw some out now, and take it to the master of the feast.” And they took it. When the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and did not know where it came from… the master of the feast called the bridegroom. And he said to him, “Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then that which is inferior, but you have kept the good wine until now.”
Pastor Robin made it clear, first of all, that Jesus did not produce an intoxicating alcoholic drink as we think of wine today, but changed the water into pure grape juice of a superior quality. He then stressed on the importance of Jesus’ mother’s advice to the servants, “whatever He says to you, do it.” In our lives too, if we want to see miracles happen, we must do whatever Jesus tells us to do as He speaks to us today in various ways: Through the words of the Bible and through the counsel of His Holy Spirit. Psalm 32:8 says, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go, I will guide you with my eye upon you (guide you and watch over you).”
Jesus need not have asked the servants to fill the water pots. He could have simply filled the empty jars with wine, just by a word. When Jesus works miracles in our lives, He always does it in partnership with us. There is always something that we have to do that is our part and then Jesus does His part. It is true that nothing is impossible for God. But in our case we need to say that nothing is impossible with God, because He wants a partnership with us. God seeks a love relationship with us. Our relationship with Him has to be a commitment and cannot be based on mere feeling. The time we give to Him in personal prayer has to be a daily commitment. Pastor Robin compared this to a marriage relationship that has to be based on commitment. If it is based only on feeling, it is bound to break up, as feelings may fade away with changing times and circumstances. So coming back to our partnership with Jesus, it is clear that there is some part that God wants us to do. If we ask God for a good job, we need to look out for it or send our bio-data to various places. If we pray for good health, we also need to eat the right foods, exercise our bodies and get the right amount of rest. When we do our part, we can count on God to do His part and work the miracle that we are seeking. At times we may find that the miracle we seek is not happening. Perhaps God may be waiting for us to take that courageous step towards Him that we may be hesitating to take, finding it very costly in many ways.
Pastor Robin observed that most of us present there were Jesus’ recent miracles of converted hearts, come into the kingdom of God at these end times. He compared it to the best wine that was served last at the wedding of Cana. Praise the Lord!
Friday, November 7, 2008
From the age of 14, an evil spirit would haunt me every night. My parents took me to many people and places for help, but to no avail. It continued even after my marriage. The evil spirit would push my husband aside and attack me. My husband took me to several places and to many pujaris and spent a lot of money, but nothing changed. One day, my neighbor took me to The Master’s Touch Healing Center where Pastor Robin Almeida prayed over me and counseled me. I attended the Prayer Meetings regularly and after about 9 meetings was completely delivered. Since then, the Lord has blessed our family, my husband and two children, in many ways and even answered our prayers for a new house. Thank you Jesus!
From the age of 14, an evil spirit would haunt me every night. My parents took me to many people and places for help, but to no avail. It continued even after my marriage. The evil spirit would push my husband aside and attack me. My husband took me to several places and to many pujaris and spent a lot of money, but nothing changed. One day, my neighbor took me to The Master’s Touch Healing Center where Pastor Robin Almeida prayed over me and counseled me. I attended the Prayer Meetings regularly and after about 9 meetings was completely delivered. Since then, the Lord has blessed our family, my husband and two children, in many ways and even answered our prayers for a new house. Thank you Jesus!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
At the last Prayer Service, Pastor Robin preached on Genesis 4:1-15. Below is a summary of his preaching:
Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel. When Cain was born, Eve said, “I have gotten a man from the Lord.” Note that she did not use the term “baby” or “child”, but immediately referred to what he was to grow into. When parents visualize the great and wonderful future God has planned for their newborn and keep proclaiming it, the baby will automatically grow into that great person. If a child keeps hearing derogatory and discouraging words, God’s wonderful plans for that child’s life will be greatly hindered. The words you say to your children have the power to make or break them. So even when correcting or disciplining your children, always visualize and point to the great future that lies ahead.
Although verses 1 & 2 speak about the birth of Cain and Abel, verse 3 immediately speaks about the offering that both of them brought to the Lord. Abel, who was a keeper of sheep, offered God the firstlings of his flock, while Cain, who was a tiller of the ground, offered God the fruit of the ground. We know from verse 4 & 5 that God respected Abel’s offering but not Cain’s. Cain got very angry. God, who deserves the best, knows the heart of each person and knows whether we are giving Him our best or not. When we are generous in our offerings to God He always increases our resources. In Malachi 3:10, God says, “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, and prove Me now in this,” says the Lord of Hosts, “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.”
In verses 8-10, we see how Cain, who was angry and jealous of his brother, brought Abel into his own field and killed him, spilling his brother’s blood onto the earth that soaked it up. Seeing that, God put a curse on the field saying to Cain, “ When you till the ground, it shall no longer yield its strength to you.”
After mankind sinned against God, Satan’s kingdom began to spread, as we can see even today, enslaving each and every person, including you and me, to the power of sin. This means that in Satan’s kingdom to which all of us are subjected, we are robbed of our inner peace and joy and are burdened with an inclination toward envy, jealousy, hatred, revenge and other forms of evil intent that are manifested in evil actions.
Jesus stepped into Satan’s kingdom, allowed Himself to be killed and allowed His blood to be spilled there, thus establishing His own Kingdom in which Satan’s efforts are rendered fruitless and unproductive. So everyone who accepts Jesus as their king, enters His Kingdom, obtains mercy and pardon for their sins and can live a life free from the slavery of sin. In freeing us from Satan’s control, Jesus restores us to a personal relationship with God our Father. Our spirits find joy in Him, our souls find peace, our bodies find health and we can enjoy a wonderful and sincere fellowship with one another. As every country has its own laws, the kingdom of God has laws that are written out in the book entitled “The Bible” which means “Good News.” To enjoy the privileges of Jesus’ kingdom, it is important to study its laws and obey them.
After his preaching, Pastor Robin prayed for the congregation and announced that Jesus was present there, touching and healing many people of various illnesses. He specifically mentioned certain problems that Jesus was taking away. He then explained the importance of testifying to having received a healing or blessing as that gives glory to God and confirms the blessing. After that there was a line of people who came forward to testify to being touched by Jesus.
Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel. When Cain was born, Eve said, “I have gotten a man from the Lord.” Note that she did not use the term “baby” or “child”, but immediately referred to what he was to grow into. When parents visualize the great and wonderful future God has planned for their newborn and keep proclaiming it, the baby will automatically grow into that great person. If a child keeps hearing derogatory and discouraging words, God’s wonderful plans for that child’s life will be greatly hindered. The words you say to your children have the power to make or break them. So even when correcting or disciplining your children, always visualize and point to the great future that lies ahead.
Although verses 1 & 2 speak about the birth of Cain and Abel, verse 3 immediately speaks about the offering that both of them brought to the Lord. Abel, who was a keeper of sheep, offered God the firstlings of his flock, while Cain, who was a tiller of the ground, offered God the fruit of the ground. We know from verse 4 & 5 that God respected Abel’s offering but not Cain’s. Cain got very angry. God, who deserves the best, knows the heart of each person and knows whether we are giving Him our best or not. When we are generous in our offerings to God He always increases our resources. In Malachi 3:10, God says, “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, and prove Me now in this,” says the Lord of Hosts, “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.”
In verses 8-10, we see how Cain, who was angry and jealous of his brother, brought Abel into his own field and killed him, spilling his brother’s blood onto the earth that soaked it up. Seeing that, God put a curse on the field saying to Cain, “ When you till the ground, it shall no longer yield its strength to you.”
After mankind sinned against God, Satan’s kingdom began to spread, as we can see even today, enslaving each and every person, including you and me, to the power of sin. This means that in Satan’s kingdom to which all of us are subjected, we are robbed of our inner peace and joy and are burdened with an inclination toward envy, jealousy, hatred, revenge and other forms of evil intent that are manifested in evil actions.
Jesus stepped into Satan’s kingdom, allowed Himself to be killed and allowed His blood to be spilled there, thus establishing His own Kingdom in which Satan’s efforts are rendered fruitless and unproductive. So everyone who accepts Jesus as their king, enters His Kingdom, obtains mercy and pardon for their sins and can live a life free from the slavery of sin. In freeing us from Satan’s control, Jesus restores us to a personal relationship with God our Father. Our spirits find joy in Him, our souls find peace, our bodies find health and we can enjoy a wonderful and sincere fellowship with one another. As every country has its own laws, the kingdom of God has laws that are written out in the book entitled “The Bible” which means “Good News.” To enjoy the privileges of Jesus’ kingdom, it is important to study its laws and obey them.
After his preaching, Pastor Robin prayed for the congregation and announced that Jesus was present there, touching and healing many people of various illnesses. He specifically mentioned certain problems that Jesus was taking away. He then explained the importance of testifying to having received a healing or blessing as that gives glory to God and confirms the blessing. After that there was a line of people who came forward to testify to being touched by Jesus.
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